• Ordinary Time: 3rd Sunday

    3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time – Cycle B (1997)

    Some of you have probably had the experience I had this week of having something at work come up that completely disrupted and reorganized everything I had planned. I had to make a trip out of town with some other people from work, they set the time and the agenda, it came up on no notice, and I had to drop everything and go. It messed me up but good, and a lot of plans went by the boards. Doctors’ appointments, pleasant lunches, meetings, other trips, things at home, I spent as much time on the phone changing it all as I would have at the actual events themselves. I…

  • Ordinary Time: 3rd Sunday

    3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time – Cycle A (2008)

    Study after study proves something about us human beings that’s either very discouraging or just amusing, and it’s this: We are not very good at understanding how we’re doing. The research shows that people who are very good at what they do tend to be very self-critical and rate themselves lower than they should, and of course you know the opposite is true, that the worse people are at what they do, those people are more likely to be happy and quite confident about their skills. Perhaps you just thought this was the case only where you work. But no, it’s been proven to be true everywhere. This shows a…