• Lent: 2nd Sunday

    2nd Sunday of Lent – Cycle B (2021)

    As I was preparing to stand up here and preach on the Second Sunday of Lent I was struck by the fact that all the things the church usually says about what to do during Lent seem all wrong this year. I mean, I feel like Lent has already been going on for a year — didn’t Lent start last March and just never stop? We didn’t have Easter last year, we didn’t really have summer, I don’t think there was Christmas really. The mood for all of us has been subdued at best, and for many people it has been worse than that, a time of real loss and…

  • Lent: 2nd Sunday

    2nd Sunday of Lent – Cycle C (2010)

    We are all very attracted to stories of people changing, maybe especially when they change dramatically. Even when these stories are pretty unlikely, like a well-known celebrity seen carrying a Bible into prison when previously it had seemed unlikely she had seen any book before in her life, much less a Bible, even those stories we’re suspicious about attract our attention. Because in our hearts we would like to believe that people can change, that people can find new directions and act on them. We might be cynical about it, but we want to believe. This gospel today is a story of Jesus suddenly changing, his transfiguration, we call it…

  • Lent: 2nd Sunday

    2nd Sunday of Lent – Cycle C (2001)

    There’s a wonderful novel that just came out called Lying Awake. It’s about a cloistered nun in California, who has visions, ecstatic religious visions, visions so intense that she has begun to write poetry about them. But she also has fierce headaches that attack her painfully, and seizures that leave her exhausted for days, and that are getting worse. She eventually consults a doctor, outside the cloister, who finds that she has temporal lobe epilepsy, and that an operation can cure her headaches and seizures, but it may also cure her of her visions. So she has a choice: She can stay in touch with what she believes is her…

  • Lent: 2nd Sunday

    2nd Sunday of Lent – Cycle B (1997)

    Last week, I was at a meeting of some clergy. There’s a lot I’m not going to tell you about this meeting, because I feel the need of protecting the identities of the people involved. One thing I will assure you is that no one else here today was at this meeting. In fact, they weren’t all Catholic, so what I’m going to say isn’t singling out any particular denomination. It was depressing. The energy level was low, people drifted in, it took forever to get started, even the few things that needed to get settled took forever, people weren’t even all that friendly. Worst of all for me, they’d…

  • Lent: 2nd Sunday

    2nd Sunday of Lent – Cycle A (1999)

    Something clearly happened out there, something like a transfiguration, because this story is so important to the early church that it’s heard in all three of the synoptic gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke, and every single year, on the Second Sunday of Lent, we hear about this ultimate religious experience. Surely if anything was going to change your life forever, it would be this. Jesus with just a few of his disciples, three to be exact, on the top of a high mountain, and an experience of light, and sounds, blinding visions and clouds. It revealed to this handful of disciples a secret, a powerful secret, who Jesus really was,…